Change of mind on said plans to do prep.'d and post-edited pieces on Truthscoop and Plantaseed.
Begin again to post every day or three. Overcome self-consciousness and self-defeating concerns to impress m'dear readers, (not looking how many), who am grateful might get good from? Write to stir, a way forward, and personal aspirations. To take two-hours on an image and text is time enough.
Off scanning the handful of terrific websites and reserve a read on recommended/Substack.
Like to disclose and update any learning, revelations, and encouragement/hope:
#54: Michael Mendizza with Tom is an over-turner, common sense confirmation and builder-upper. It warns us of what can/will make us sick in the head, come corresponding action. An astonishing presentation.
While Sunday Wire and Episode #434 – ‘Technocracy is Here’ with Patrick Wood is as sound a sum-up of what's been doing and the reasons to resist, all we, each-one-can. Grasp it and settle a whole lot of confusion about what led us to this place.
Appreciate honest consideration on contemporary reality is tough, and our heart... break/ (feels like) fails. Add the alienation, as we see New Normal compliance outdoors. Niaomi and 'mantra' can help to relieve. Take her response and go better.
Keeping off commentators and reads, except research on 'supplements' at this stage. Looking Clive De Carle -wise, saw James D. interviewed him and reminded about and m'comment, 'As for James Delingpole? Humility, Heart, and ...Hope.'
Change of mind on said plans to do prep.'d and post-edited pieces on Truthscoop and Plantaseed.
Begin again to post every day or three. Overcome self-consciousness and self-defeating concerns to impress m'dear readers, (not looking how many), who am grateful might get good from? Write to stir, a way forward, and personal aspirations. To take two-hours on an image and text is time enough.
Off scanning the handful of terrific websites and reserve a read on recommended/Substack.
Today's blast is from
As for listening on an MP3 player? -and-
Like to disclose and update any learning, revelations, and encouragement/hope:
#54: Michael Mendizza with Tom is an over-turner, common sense confirmation and builder-upper. It warns us of what can/will make us sick in the head, come corresponding action. An astonishing presentation.
While Sunday Wire and Episode #434 – ‘Technocracy is Here’ with Patrick Wood is as sound a sum-up of what's been doing and the reasons to resist, all we, each-one-can. Grasp it and settle a whole lot of confusion about what led us to this place.
Appreciate honest consideration on contemporary reality is tough, and our heart... break/ (feels like) fails. Add the alienation, as we see New Normal compliance outdoors. Niaomi and 'mantra' can help to relieve. Take her response and go better.
Be bold... to be stronger.
Keeping off commentators and reads, except research on 'supplements' at this stage. Looking Clive De Carle -wise, saw James D. interviewed him and reminded about and m'comment, 'As for James Delingpole? Humility, Heart, and ...Hope.'
Seen and gets a recommendation.