Title from the snappy and barbed take on a romance from Elvis Costello. Ten years earlier the Stones apt testimony was ‘…and all my friends are junkies’. Today the blight on humanity are mobiles, with the most Desperate Dan’s volunteering to wear a mask.
Best try and tell, me/ you, —something good. There are things. First, qualifications and explanations, on MJ the writer, …me. My pride and struggle are over self-indulgence vs. for readers and their interest? Some comes from statements made and commitments to keep up. An hour or two in the library and no direction to write toward, pangs me with self-deprecation. Know it’ll be garbled plus a need to go on about personal stuff. To get it out the way: No more news and scan Off-Guardian and the handful of sites. Friend-willing manages money and essential contact. Another –local– pal allows for occasional calls-out on his. Strangers on the street are the other provider for a phone call. All am saying is a so-called ‘not smart’ mobile is the wisdom the sound and sensible. Go old and do calls and texts alone. The first, ‘something good’. Another: ‘Cash not cards’, as far as? More, golden sense.
Image and the Turkish MP smashing his mobile was one of the last looks at You Tube. OFF the info, suits solitude and praying and do the business that matters most, (according to the Bible, hidden Ch. history, and dynamic over static theology).
Good news is the unfolding and thereby a push-back is upon us. Again, during a recent last burst of the stupid screen saw Jimmy Dore comment on Rogan addressing the founder of the Rolling Stone mag. Says everything about the middle-class and their self-destructing ways. To end the ‘middle’ and push for peasants and kings.
Want to see what a woman looks like? Go, Clare Daly, the Irish MP slays at the warmongering giants is light for liberty. Talking which… the one’s on the high street handing out The Light Newspaper are a new breed, a different attitude, look and persona. Suggest the antidote to C-19 and related doldrums is to travel to the town or city on a Saturday and be transformed. To go full glow and overcome the mental sludge? Stand with a mate, or on your own, and do likewise, local and central.
Hope-less-ness is a choice and think-clever-dicks who cry inside the vanity of action haven’t the understanding of what’s going on -or- are believers in a worldview that offers nothing but decline and defeat. Bull…. and yet to meet a person with any accurate awareness of social affairs and history who makes such wimpy claims.
A foregone we roll over and over in Govt. etc., led ways isn’t clear or certain. The possibility is the collective and central criminals turn on kill switches, but their history and activities show they intend to cause our self-destructing behaviours.
Intend to plumb and write-to bust into the invisible, (on the back of praying all-I-can) on plantaseed.org.uk plus go health and fitness on truthscoop.net while somewhat departing from attention on Drill/ Hip-Hop and like, and previous intentions.
As for prayerletter.substack.com it has to be free and easy/ without care what-comes.
Conversations with someone who publishes short stories, plan to write on prayerletter what comes in an hour-ish. As for the other two outposts? Try and write proper-ish(?) and edit not free/write-style.
Relief from the darkness, and something approximating uplift and sparking hope is here and the action women and men reveal it. Find the jab-repentant and alive-inside one’s. Alive is a word Christians like to use about their new life experience. Grieved to the core, they took the needle and are in ‘carry-on’ and stuffed with amnesia about the last two or so years. An un-holy shamble of denial and disbelief.
Am in a cold room for a month until moving to a home and base. No need to be employed for money requires and ‘my book’ to work like I am. If anyone thinks ‘praying alone’ is a doddle and holiday in the sun —you aren’t …aware. Yet can only pray for the pressured in the workplace or dealing with the system for handouts. Not for forgetting or pretend, isn’t the toughest of demands.
Tick-tock and library clock.
Came on to write… and that’s all. Do it and don’t care-what is the way.
Public declaration and output are healthy and fit moves. The Light Newspaper can be sent to ya, and one go facing the peep on the street is empowering and grows us up out of childishness and stagnation.
‘Go ye into…’
Do good news and become so.
Change of mind on said plans to do prep.'d and post-edited pieces on Truthscoop and Plantaseed.
Begin again to post every day or three. Overcome self-consciousness and self-defeating concerns to impress m'dear readers, (not looking how many), who am grateful might get good from? Write to stir, a way forward, and personal aspirations. To take two-hours on an image and text is time enough.
Off scanning the handful of terrific websites and reserve a read on recommended/Substack.
Today's blast is from naomiwolf.substack.com/p/a-lost-small-town
As for listening on an MP3 player?
21stcenturywire.com/sundaywire/ -and- drtomcowan.com/blogs/podcasts
Like to disclose and update any learning, revelations, and encouragement/hope:
#54: Michael Mendizza with Tom is an over-turner, common sense confirmation and builder-upper. It warns us of what can/will make us sick in the head, come corresponding action. An astonishing presentation.
While Sunday Wire and Episode #434 – ‘Technocracy is Here’ with Patrick Wood is as sound a sum-up of what's been doing and the reasons to resist, all we, each-one-can. Grasp it and settle a whole lot of confusion about what led us to this place.
Appreciate honest consideration on contemporary reality is tough, and our heart... break/ (feels like) fails. Add the alienation, as we see New Normal compliance outdoors. Niaomi and 'mantra' can help to relieve. Take her response and go better.
Be bold... to be stronger.
Keeping off commentators and reads, except research on 'supplements' at this stage. Looking Clive De Carle -wise, saw James D. interviewed him and reminded about plantaseed.org.uk/where-on-earth-is-the-church and m'comment, 'As for James Delingpole? Humility, Heart, and ...Hope.'
Seen delingpole.substack.com/p/why-i-entertain-crazy-conspiracy and gets a recommendation.