'And that is why, no matter who you are, you must do that which you must do, whatever you believe. There may be very few chances again in history. Just do no harm. For harm has broken many but it cannot break us all. Howl now, into the silencing wind.'


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On: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/drvernon-coleman-whats-the-covid and something suspected, yet assumed, without material evidence. Heard the hypothesis from people I've met. Their personal, and first-hand observations. Could it be?

Off 'till '23.

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Seen: https://drtomcowan.com/blogs/podcasts/58-stefano-scoglio

Not playing audio at the mo., yet share to compliment or challenge Vernon Coleman's take.

Week coming, get back on the windy isle and will give it a whirl. Observations on London and other thoughts soon-as. The libraries in London limit internet access to an hour, hence it'll have to wait. Like to offer valid sounding alternatives to views' promoted and implied are correct.

Yes,.... being told of first-hand personal accounts of unexpected deaths along with reading the overall statistics but reckon on Tom and Stefano to bring a fresh perspective. Tom writes;

'I hope to give you one less thing to worry about, and that's the "spike protein." I talk with Stefano Scoglio, who has done extensive research into the question of "can mRNA injections result in the production of spike proteins in your body?" I think, as you will see, the answer is a resounding no. Although these injections are far from safe — far from it — you'll hear exactly how and why they cause damage. This explanation is well-documented, logical and based in science, so please tune in.'

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Update and not back so soon and Shetland-way as expected. Provoked to write off the back of: https://off-guardian.org/2023/01/07/a-meaningless-life/ To mull over article and comments, and may knock out something. Later, and meaning-full.

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Should be taking off next week and unto Scotland. P'haps will begin again and listen to audio but do intend to write whenever online and in a library. As for 'a meaningless-life' and surrounding squabbles: https://home.solari.com/special-solari-report-mass-formation-a-decoy-for-digital-concentration-camps-with-dr-peter-breggin/ Bursting with things to write out and sow into the unseen. 'Meaning' is knowing God's with me. The best question am asked is 'how do I know or experience this?' Beast Mode Ahead [ https://linhdinh.substack.com/p/beast-mode-ahead ] is darkness and yet, —the dynamic, present, active, intervening and shocking ability in leading, appears to go beyond what Jung coined 'synchronicity' and brings hope against hope. God through all seekers and proper do-good'rs and surrendered saints, hasn't given up the fight against the beast. The local churches seen, have taken the mobile-idol and medical mandates to heart. Refuse to despair although it's painful to observe.

F. Scott Fitzgerald and 1936 Esquire articles The Crack-Up:

'The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise.'

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Stuck in the south for a month. Day before the van was ready to collect, the heater caused a fire and gutted the dashboard and cab. More repairs and so delayed. Am, the best..., in the worst of times. London reeks of 'meaninglessness' and Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity. Levels of screen use and the number of businesses refusing cash is a desperate sign of the rot under the smiles... oh yeah, less of them, due to even more mask-wearing than Scotland and suspect the north of England? Intend not to come south again and pray/drive/hand-out printed matter up north, avoiding any cities.

Read Off-Guardian and the lamentations of the switched on and thankful to becoming a person of prayer with time, health, and money, enabling the cause. A Off-G. link, https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-covid-tyranny-and-why-some-of-us-stood-up-to-it/ adds to these comments.

While... https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/ remains the question. Our response defines us and a self-diagnosis and willingness to understand -or- live in denial and all the disturbance and darkness that follows?

Light up, y'all.

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Shortcut and a Ron Unz' reply:


On the road in the new year and write on.

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'We refuse to let our knowledge, however limited, be informed by your ignorance, however vast.'

David Ray Griffin


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https://off-guardian.org/2022/12/17/kick-me/ has it down and switched on and the less-understood and damage in mask wearing. Nothing 'least' about it and those persisting on. People from China are the distinct compliant race in Glasgow.

'As a psychologist I am keenly aware of these dehumanizing effects. The consequences are subtle, but can be devastating. We see these horrible results primarily with children who are in the process of developing their social skills and interhuman relationships. Scientific reports are showing huge drops in IQ with children who were born during the Covid “pandemic,” as well as those navigating through it.

This is most likely due to a lot of things, not the least wearing masks all day during school.'

Kick Me - Todd Hayen

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Ron Unz has come out on a number of deceptions. Important articles in length and substance with convincing citations. Abysmal on C-19, he'll cause an eruption of top comments and insight. Second up is emerging majority with: 'Apocalypse in Ancient Greek, signifies a revelation. The revelation of the central role of the CIA in the assassination of JFK is but the opening act for a whole series of revelations.'

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Taken from Kevin's comment:

'This oncoming totalitarianism seems to have some unique characteristics – starting with an apostasy from Christianity. The “replacement theory” here is not one ethnic group replacing another, rather the “state” replacing God.'

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'My opinion is the same as yours. I withheld a position and determination UNTIL I had researched the subject, listened and read several consequential people, and then applied my own insight and life experiences.' A wise word from a comment on https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/putin-has-misread-the-west-and-if-he-doesnt-wake-up-soon-armageddon-is-upon-us

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mulga mumblebrain comments/replies:

'You have seemingly bottomless reserves of fatuous credulity in that you swallow every Banderite lie, hook, line and sinker. No group, not even the Yanks, lies like these Banderite lunatics. I rather fancy that Putin is going slow in order to allow the West more time to hoist themselves on their own retard, their seemingly invincible delusion that they represent humanity and the good. The real ‘briar patch’ is Western sanctions, which have not harmed Russia but driven Europe into recession. The UK, in particular, deserves all it is getting, even if the British people, supplicant and impotent as ever, suffer the worst.'

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'Our world needs more discussion, conversation, argument, dissent, investigation, and increased awareness, not less. No single human being is going to dig us out of the dangerous and increasingly deadly situation we all find ourselves in. We need many leaders, many scientists, many points of view. We all wish, perhaps, that there was a single unified movement that would lead us to safety. There is no superhero, no super world council to save us. That kind of concept only works in the movies.'

Peter and Ginger Breggin



and... comments on https://off-guardian.org/2022/12/15/discuss-mass-shootings-conspiracy-theories-free-speech/

Library time. A 'street orchestra' starts up in the Mitchell (Lib.). Got to be Glasgow. Looking to be wheeled and off doin' evangelism and prayer. To all met and know, thanks for the engagement and inspiration.

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Richard Gage on OffG’s Tribute: 'David Ray Griffin stepped aside and let his evidence do the work.'

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Implications of Classic Theism?

'Israel’s new government is planning to give de facto operational control of the national police and heavily armed border police to Itamar Ben-Gvir, the leader of a party of right wing, racist extremists. It can perhaps be regarded as the prelude to the last phase in the uprooting and displacement of the Palestinian people. Those who resist will be killed and not a single Israeli soldier or policeman will be punished for carrying out what the Benjamin Netanyahu government will frame as a war against terrorists blessed by Yahweh in support of his “Chosen” people.'

Philip Giraldi


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'For them, God is not some distant omnipotent being who rules over the world like a monarch. In Process Theology God literally inhabits our world and ourselves. As we go through our earthly struggles, God accompanies us in those struggles. He literally rejoices when we rejoice and He feels our pain and anguish. Our world is where God works, through us and alongside us.

Knowing where David was coming from, it is understandable that shining the light of Truth on a major turning point in history was consistent with his theological perspective.'

David Chandler on Off-G. And, 'For them', is me, yet... Open Theism (version).

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