'And that is why, no matter who you are, you must do that which you must do, whatever you believe. There may be very few chances again in history. Just do no harm. For harm has broken many but it cannot break us all. Howl now, into the silencing wind.'
'And that is why, no matter who you are, you must do that which you must do, whatever you believe. There may be very few chances again in history. Just do no harm. For harm has broken many but it cannot break us all. Howl now, into the silencing wind.'
On: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/drvernon-coleman-whats-the-covid and something suspected, yet assumed, without material evidence. Heard the hypothesis from people I've met. Their personal, and first-hand observations. Could it be?
Off 'till '23.