'Wait, wait – one last thing: I am not a “neo-Nazi” and I don’t even really understand what that term means. Those people threatening to kill me were saying I secretly want to kill everyone or whatever – it’s all very garbled. It’s a kind of layered esoterica where they have identified my secret name and now they know me better than I know myself. The whole thing is pathological.
'This is a bit embarrassing to be honest, but it needs to be said. To all children out there, on behalf of all adults here on planet earth at this time of intense weirdness…
Revise and qualify; 'peoples’ empty worldview'? Untrue, and yet is it possible outside 'Christ' profess a relationship? Yes, and all and read this would be..., less or not believing, moving for truth and goodness are moving toward -or- away? On this earth now and for the good, God's here, to do. We fill ourselves with what? That is... our worldview. Patrick Henningsen said it in one that will re-find/sometime and re-post. Respect.
Said, do daily, but nah. Got to get, some things..., right. Call it 'pray' but more mull, read, say stuff, and not at all what 'prayer' and the trad. view looks. Development takes time and lots of days to rough and stumble through. Prayer is built around: Not-else, go do, yet; doing and whatever in. Messy, hang in there and faith enough, —am attempting. Gets m'desperate side. A groan and struggle to insist and read bits of the Bible. Go reapply to now and mattering. Not about imaginative, and images related to God, (although no-knocking these approaches). More... bible words and receive, throw in a chorus or hymn, while all that counts; Do it anyway/feel it, or not. As for 'asking'? Not something am that into but gets to be and takes persistent get on and move up, and ...into. 'Pray' can sound poncy and prude, ain't so. Decent length chat y'terday with an open Ch. leader who spoke of Dirty Glory a book by Pete Greig. Am still in the first word... let y'know, how it goes?
The one read on the critical location, enemy stronghold, and HQ. Would take issue and define of the who's 'behind, the behind'? That said, it presents the single, economic history lesson, that counts. In the age of the over-informed and blurry thinking, it can take ONE article, to cut through the foggy claims that "nothing is conclusive". The other rap goes for 'chaos' and the necessity for complexity and lack of cohesive narrative and knowing.
Said, do daily, but nah. Got to get, some things..., right. Call it 'pray' but more mull, read, say stuff, and not at all what 'prayer' and the trad. view looks. Development takes time and lots of days to rough and stumble through. Prayer is built around: Not-else, go do, yet; doing and whatever in. Messy, hang in there and faith enough, —am attempting. Gets m'desperate side. A groan and struggle to insist and read bits of the Bible. Go reapply to now and mattering. Not about imaginitive, and images related to God, (although no-knocking these approaches). More... bible words and recieve, throw in a chorus or hymn, while all that counts; Do it anyway/feel it, or not. As for 'asking'? Not something am that into but gets to be and takes perisitent get on and move up, and ...into. 'Pray' can sound poncy and prude, ain't so. Decent length chat y'terday with an open Ch. leader who spoke of Dirty Glory a book by Pete Greig. Am still in the first word... let y'know, how it goes?
The one read on the critical location, enemy stronghold, and HQ. Would take issue and define of the who's 'behind, the behind'? That said, it presents the single, economic history lesson, that counts. In the age of the over-informed and blurry thinking, it can take ONE article, to cut through the foggy claims that "nothing is conclusive". The other rap goes for 'chaos' and the neccessity for complexity and lack of cohesive narrative and knowing.
Recommended and Yeadon post.
TS and PAS are faulting on .net / .org.uk
Top of the chats is https://drtomcowan.com/blogs/podcasts/54-michael-mendizza and into the mix.
To write about but not listen to more, than get, eye b.'ing.
'Propaganda is only effective if we watch it. In fact,
if we let it into our consciousness,
then it doesn’t matter how we react to it; they’ve already got us.'
WATCH: Eye-Bouncing – #SolutionsWatch
Note https://off-guardian.org/2022/12/05/watch-eye-bouncing-solutionswatch/#comment-561878
Two mins in. Quiet in the library it played. 'Eye Bouncing' to write here/next on:
Patrick: https://soundcloud.com/21wire/why-you-should-question-vaccine-passports [ https://plantaseed.org.uk/the-cowardice-of-fatalism ] and the talk that gets to 'worldview',
A link on PAS post is faulting.
Truthscoop one's, likewise(??).
'Wait, wait – one last thing: I am not a “neo-Nazi” and I don’t even really understand what that term means. Those people threatening to kill me were saying I secretly want to kill everyone or whatever – it’s all very garbled. It’s a kind of layered esoterica where they have identified my secret name and now they know me better than I know myself. The whole thing is pathological.
I did not do anything wrong.'
Andrew Anglin
'This is a bit embarrassing to be honest, but it needs to be said. To all children out there, on behalf of all adults here on planet earth at this time of intense weirdness…
Lucy Davies
Revise and qualify; 'peoples’ empty worldview'? Untrue, and yet is it possible outside 'Christ' profess a relationship? Yes, and all and read this would be..., less or not believing, moving for truth and goodness are moving toward -or- away? On this earth now and for the good, God's here, to do. We fill ourselves with what? That is... our worldview. Patrick Henningsen said it in one that will re-find/sometime and re-post. Respect.
Spell... done.
Said, do daily, but nah. Got to get, some things..., right. Call it 'pray' but more mull, read, say stuff, and not at all what 'prayer' and the trad. view looks. Development takes time and lots of days to rough and stumble through. Prayer is built around: Not-else, go do, yet; doing and whatever in. Messy, hang in there and faith enough, —am attempting. Gets m'desperate side. A groan and struggle to insist and read bits of the Bible. Go reapply to now and mattering. Not about imaginative, and images related to God, (although no-knocking these approaches). More... bible words and receive, throw in a chorus or hymn, while all that counts; Do it anyway/feel it, or not. As for 'asking'? Not something am that into but gets to be and takes persistent get on and move up, and ...into. 'Pray' can sound poncy and prude, ain't so. Decent length chat y'terday with an open Ch. leader who spoke of Dirty Glory a book by Pete Greig. Am still in the first word... let y'know, how it goes?
The one read on the critical location, enemy stronghold, and HQ. Would take issue and define of the who's 'behind, the behind'? That said, it presents the single, economic history lesson, that counts. In the age of the over-informed and blurry thinking, it can take ONE article, to cut through the foggy claims that "nothing is conclusive". The other rap goes for 'chaos' and the necessity for complexity and lack of cohesive narrative and knowing.
Begins with, 'You may be surprised to learn...' Ready for a refresher and learner. Take an hour and consider: https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/the-city-of-london/#comments and something-like pray as go.
Said, do daily, but nah. Got to get, some things..., right. Call it 'pray' but more mull, read, say stuff, and not at all what 'prayer' and the trad. view looks. Development takes time and lots of days to rough and stumble through. Prayer is built around: Not-else, go do, yet; doing and whatever in. Messy, hang in there and faith enough, —am attempting. Gets m'desperate side. A groan and struggle to insist and read bits of the Bible. Go reapply to now and mattering. Not about imaginitive, and images related to God, (although no-knocking these approaches). More... bible words and recieve, throw in a chorus or hymn, while all that counts; Do it anyway/feel it, or not. As for 'asking'? Not something am that into but gets to be and takes perisitent get on and move up, and ...into. 'Pray' can sound poncy and prude, ain't so. Decent length chat y'terday with an open Ch. leader who spoke of Dirty Glory a book by Pete Greig. Am still in the first word... let y'know, how it goes?
The one read on the critical location, enemy stronghold, and HQ. Would take issue and define of the who's 'behind, the behind'? That said, it presents the single, economic history lesson, that counts. In the age of the over-informed and blurry thinking, it can take ONE article, to cut through the foggy claims that "nothing is conclusive". The other rap goes for 'chaos' and the neccessity for complexity and lack of cohesive narrative and knowing.
Begins with, 'You may be surprised to learn...' Ready for a refresher and learner. Take an hour and consider: https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/the-city-of-london/#comments and something-like pray as go.