Rosa Koire's 'Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21' - the book and info-related to get.

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Thought, ought say, am on: https://plantaseed.org.uk/ through April and do truthscoop over May.

Big-upp'd https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-power-of-prayer

Back here, as 'n when x

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'mjh' comments an honest one on 'Fear of Inconvenience':

'Some of us (not sure how many) may care about other people, including people they don’t know, because of their religious or philosophical beliefs. I am a Christian so that shapes my view of others. Certainly not perfectly — I am far too shaped by self-concerns and outside forces, but I make a conscious decision to keep others in mind. But I try to remind myself to do this every care. There is the additional problem that even if you do care about people you often don’t know the answers to their problems or are powerless to provide assistance. Or it could just be that your analysis of them is inaccurate due to missing or inconsistent information.'

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https://off-guardian.org/2023/01/28/fear-of-inconvenience/#comments --- oh la la... what terrific comments and replies. Take time to brighten the light?

A fitting long-read and after further delays and get off-north. Tomorrow, (unless I have to pop on and update)? 'Masks' are all that and negative but serve to illustrate one hope; the lies will get pushed too far until the deceptions begin to burst through the Overton window and shake up the intransigent pop. Off-G. has come a long way since first read years ago, yet the writers/admin. struggle to deal with certain questions. Comes down to one thing and 'responsibility' and to whom? Telling ourselves 'our story' inside our thinking and emotions, determines behaviour in line with the levels of critique upon ideas we don't hold or want to believe? The notion that 'self-esteem' is good and productive is unhelpful. Since knee-high and getting told off and in excessive trouble up-to-recent-days has been a gruelling act of self-abuse but..., getting alone/ away/ God-conscious is liberation and love.

To start a month of jump-on, start a post on PAS or TS and complete in one sitting, once in the Highlands. London has been a revelation which hadn't planned to face and will do one on it. Got Biddiel on 'Jews Don't Count' to review and stuff in the sky and size aka; https://www.truthscoop.net/the-flat-earth-controversy

Hope... (that evasive sounding term) on earth in these times and not... all __________, (fill in ya social-based fears) is possible. Not about probable -or- all loss upon loss and inevitable lock in and up? Upsets and up rise aren't yet a gone-er. As for God - yeah, the unwritten (...about/ online/ and not inflexible trad. or poncy progressive) is an unaccounted-for factor. The local christian churches are into amnesia. Plan to unpack the dubious theology underpinning the cop-out. Yep, because God can (and SURE-does), intervene but is held-back through lack of human interaction. Ya reading this and so you're in with an opp. to stop playing the pretend and grow up?

Faith not feelings and read the bible. Go believe, plus engage and do the stuff. Not into? Do I understand or what? A way through is comparable to the struggles for some to reconsider realities on the Off-G. piece. About access into informed consideration and smash thro' the bullshit we tell ourselves. One of the exchanges in the comments is about caring for who/why and do we? GK Chesterton suggests we don't want to get wound-up in thinking people are in a conspiracy against us when it's 'sunny selfishness and virile indifference' going on. That said, to care for the others in general is going to be a selfish way to stop our self-obsession. Compassion not criticism is a relieving mode to live by.

The worst of times but... the best and for us, and a cumulative who-knows-what is in the balance - today and now. Choose up and breakthroughs on the personal is before us.

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Hot'n up on the last outpost in town: https://off-guardian.org/2023/02/01/coronavirus-fact-check-17-masks-still-dont-work/#comments

'Sam - Admin2' has something to counter and contribute. Without Sam the comments wouldn't have anything like the light and saltiness they are. Am - of course - ok, with questions unresolved. Be on a re-read later and see where/if, grey can get/go, black or white?

As for 'masks' am with George Mc:

'Masks are the single most important part of the covid psy-op. They are a brutally pragmatic tool for ensuring compliance. In wearing a mask you are signaling your submission to the covid narrative, giving your assent, TAKING PART, and doing so with this visceral physical and deeply uncomfortable patch blocking out the part of you that breathes, smiles and communicates.

Furthermore, masks are the ruling class dream of having the entire population gagged.'

Proper on the road, soon oh yeah.

Once indoors/own place by March(?) get on a month of PAS and TS wham bam 'n thank ya... x

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Alert ye ALIVE ones, do... DO read; 'el Gallinazo' and https://off-guardian.org/2023/02/02/bill-gates-aerogel-the-next-stage-of-mrna-vaccines/#comment-576428 and before/after replies etc.

Don't understand ‘el G.’ talking 'bioweapons' and some of the thinking, yet suggest into Terrain T.? While Christine Massey sought to engage with Poornima Wagh who came over dodgy and ...disappeared(?).

Unusual declarations and correct far-as and an honest assessment of evidence on F.F. and the nowadays “shhh shoosh” period from 2012 to 2019. By early ‘19 had me open ‘So-Called’ on TS with; ‘Once upon ye olde false-flag times, that which defines our generation, cometh hoaxes. Some in part, some not and bloody full-on. Videos comparing footage and accounts making intellectual nonsense of assured and presumed guilt. But lo and behold masses didn't think so matters’.

Does now eh.? No…? Yes? Depends, and lights-on and ‘someone home’ or not? Always about attitude. Is it fight -or- flight? Stand up -or- denial and inside grow-scares, so …shrink? In recovery -or- cyborg-gagging towards crumbling in the tough times? Put on and the lies-to-self riddled front?

Bob Dylan sang, ‘may be an actor in a plot, that might be all that you got, 'til your error you clearly learn’.

Am m’self into new living and love, a life in recovery like ne’er known. Wounded helper once the lids blow. Hear them bells and whistles blowing. Bold up with what’s goin’ on. We can’t run or hide. Do honesty; an antidote and serum for self-deception, baggage bringing bondage. With that, better get OFF the sucker screen eh.

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Follow on/reply from George Mc:

'No-one wears a mask to submit. They wear it because they are afraid – either of this “terrible bug” or because they are afraid to stand out from the crowd. The latter is an age old fear and is dependent on the former, which is totally manufactured. The basic psy-op still stands: to get people physically involved. And when they push their bodies to respond, their minds follow.'

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Meeting halfway... [ https://drtomcowan.com/pages/the-virus-challenge ]

'It has been more than two years since the onset of the “corona” crisis, which changed the trajectory of our world. The fundamental tenet of this crisis is that a deadly and novel “virus”, SARS-CoV-2, has spread around the world and negatively impacted large segments of humanity. Central to this tenet is the accepted wisdom that viruses, defined as replicating, protein-coated pieces of genetic material, either DNA or RNA, exist as independent entities in the real world and are able to act as pathogens. That is, the so-called particle with the protein coating and genetic interior is commonly believed to infect living tissues and cells, replicate inside these living tissues, damage the tissues as it makes its way out, and, in doing so, is also believed to create disease and sometimes death in its host - the so-called viral theory of disease causation. The alleged virus particles are then said to be able to transmit to other hosts, causing disease in them as well.

We have decided to meet the virologists halfway. In the first instance, we propose that the methods in current use (experiments for Viral Theory) are put to the test. The virologists assert that these pathogenic viruses exist in our tissues, cells and bodily fluids because they claim to see the effects of these supposed unique particles in a variety of cell cultures. This process is what they call “isolation” of the virus. They also claim that, using electron microscopy, they can see these unique particles in the results of their cell cultures. Finally, they claim that each “species” of pathogenic virus has its unique genome, which can be sequenced either directly from the bodily fluids of the sick person or from the results of a cell culture. We now ask that the virology community prove that these claims are valid, scientific and reproducible.

We propose the following experiment as the first step in determining whether such an entity as a pathogenic human virus exists…'

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Links for Ugochukwu after our chat-a-bout:

https://crimesofempire.com/2015/02/02/zionism-myth-vs-reality/ https://crimesofempire.com/2015/04/05/four-blood-moons-christian-zionism-and-the-book-of-revelations/ https://crimesofempire.com/2015/09/28/the-final-blood-moon-in-the-tetrad-rises/ https://crimesofempire.com/2015/01/25/we-live-in-a-world-of-miraculous-coincidences/ https://crimesofempire.com/2015/05/01/atheism-is-dead/

Goin' north next week - "God willing", i.e. 'with God's help' - and Scotland. Aim for the 'windy isle' by the end of the month. Begin a month of closing-posts around mid-Feb. on Truthscoop and ways to live up... and not down. On Plantaseed for deep dives into the unexplained and subjects fitting Scott Fitzgerald's '...test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function'.

Comment on 'Are Pfizer REALLY “directing the evolution” of Covid?' is a short, snide, slap at an idea/belief. Spills out because it's all a bit too much for..., too many and this commenter canny resist manifesting it. Leave disclosing what (yet, no surprise). Contend how a certain establishment-agreed certainties and progressive moves in theology are linked? Seeing a growing headway into dead ol'reductionist and theological liberalism are on the rise.

Comes bursting out of the blatant amnesia and denial to not-deal with the trauma we ALL..., went through. More links?

Convinced, willful, smug and know-better/not-look attitudes to alternative hypothesis over the last decade is a determining factor. Arrogance proceeds ignorance. All gone full circle and the productive critique of narrow thinking and tagged 'Fundamentalism' is now the Progressive mainstay. All gone 'JW'. Ask them to read something you offer and not only their pamphlets they hand out on the streets and they'll refuse.

Reckon it's self-evident and demonstrable post-evangelicals once seeking a more nuanced and thoughtful reading of the bible are doing-in their Christianity. Gone blond and bimbo under a sheen of smiles in oh so calm and lucid commentary. Not doing audio/visual but see the subjects and scope.

Same goes and anyone unwilling to look and deal with correction and views on 'the news' or 'history'. Ongoing -or- stagnated and sowing for additional suffering as the social and economic tide turns. Ray Bradbury wrote, 'You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them'.

Richard D. Hall on 'Manchester' is an ideal tester and litmus on who wants to be a big person -and- who's a cowering, coward, living in fake-ville and dull mind? Van M. sang, 'didn't I come to bring you a sense of wonder'. Sure is the call and need and who's alive and growing up or into a self-destruction and loss of being? A 'failure of imagination' was the infamous claim and excuse about 9/11, and it is..., about, that. We're losing our minds and the mobile and screens are the catalyst.

The good news? God's creation is way greater and somewhat discoverable in mysterious ways to convict of said-reality. What's needed and even general freedom over bondage is to 'hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function'. God is reveal-able through time and space and in the cover-ups and lies exposed, all with acceptable and understandable uncertainty, gives us revelation and hope.

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Yowsa... the post that gathered the comments to give the informed the consideration we're looking for. For those with 'ears to hear': https://off-guardian.org/2023/01/27/are-pfizer-really-directing-the-evolution-of-covid/ An example of why am off Unz etc., for good and concentrate on Off-G. and ONE posts' comments. As Dr Tom Cowan put so well chatting with Michael Mendizza, or might have been Dr Sam Bailey: there's them that want to KNOW and them that don't? On the back of this, it's word out and long walks and talks, good confessions and songs, with/to... y'nah x.

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Petra Liverani, Paul Vonharnish, and Christine Massey are the exchanges to ponder and in some ways all about 'proof' yet/ if, and possible to corroborate the pathogenic-virus-cause thesis?

While CK_ writes:

'Kit’s analysis is spot-on as usual. I agree this was staged to reinforce the “pandemic is real” narrative. Project Veritas has long been suspected of being Controlled Opposition.

The “viruses are real or not” debate is extremely controversial. But there’s a compromise position. Books like “Virus Mania” and “Inventing the AIDS Virus” assert that viruses are real but many diseases were falsely attributed to viruses due to dogma and Big Pharma greed. COVID, AIDS, polio and the 1918 Spanish “flu” were almost certainly not due to “viruses” but that doesn’t mean all infectious viruses are a hoax although that is a possibility.

Exogenous (infectious) viruses may or may not exist- but the virus genomes are fake. Genomes aren’t determined by isolating fully intact exogenous viruses and sequencing them. Instead, genomes are created by using computer models to cobble together genetic debris of unknown origin found in cell cultures. These virus genomes are hypothetical then especially since virologists claim our bodies are teeming with different viruses (“virome”), which collectively number in the trillions. How do virologists identify novel viruses in a cell culture “soup” of genetic debris if they can’t discern fully intact viruses? How do they know which virus causes a particular disease if they don’t follow the Koch-Rivers postulates for pathogenicity? The answer is “they don’t”, of course. Electron microscopy images of “exogenous” viruses are really of endogenous viral-like particles, which are produced by cells and are a symptom, not the cause, of illness. The existence of infectious viruses is therefore an open question. (If “infectious viruses” turn out to be a hoax, then “infectious diseases” might still exist via a TBD non-viral mechanism.)'

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'[It's] weaponized cognitive dissonance in weak minds. Waking up isn’t just about waking up to the lies and conspiracies of this world, it is more about waking up to the fact of self. Independent consciousness is not automatic, and it is under sustained assault from before our first day of school until the very end of our lives. Evolution always begins with a minority. We are the surviving fittest right now.

The other people, the vast majority, lack a sense of their own independent consciousness, or at least it is not strong enough to separate itself from culture, society, “education” and other programmed systems of control. This means that by questioning their world, we are also questioning their understanding of their own existence. If they admit that everything they know about their reality is skewed, if not totally false, they will begin to lose their grip on their reality. That insanity is terrifying for them; far far worse than death.

This is why the subconscious shutters come down so quickly and are so immovable. It’s not dissimilar to multiple personality disorder, except it is logic, compassion and reason that are suppressed for fear of the damage they can do. An illogical action, labelling people negatively, or a few nonsense responses are much easier to sweep under the rug than the fact that everything we believe about ourselves is a lie. Later, it is much easier than facing the guilt of forcing masks on little children’s faces, and accepting the poison on their behalf but without their educated consent.

On the other hand, we are immune because our sense of self has already developed somewhat beyond the power of the group mind and social-programming. Some of us probably did go a little mad, but our minds were strong enough to avoid this intentional trap, and became stronger because of it. I suggest we all get very clear about the fact that we live in a world where almost everyone is dangerously insane, and modify our behaviour accordingly.'

Russian Hank on 'Fear Of Inconvenience'.

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Me and my misuse of apostrophes, should read; '....are the ones who get out and turn up to stand for justice'. One's sorry and will try to be one of the ones who correct their spelling errors. On Jeff Green: https://apocalypticyoga.substack.com/p/settling-the-virus-debate-tracking -and- https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/response-to-jeff-green/ Corker comments on: https://off-guardian.org/2023/01/28/fear-of-inconvenience/

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Semi-repeat in a comment: Behaviour displaying courage and gain security in facing intellectual challenges vs. ...fake ambivalence? Or, dismissal and put-downs. Educated by Jeff Green's unusual alt. alt. position, one of the recommendations on prayerletter as place am digging into about the science and biology. Read around and get there's a difficulty in our observations and infection. In the near future our collective and individual psychological struggles will increase. To not 'think' and grow, will lead to a vulnerability and shame. Contend the chance to grow is a builder and the days to come. Can't see how else it will go but the direction our openness and interest takes us? If what could be happening when we're sick doesn't relate to us; we're as good as dead or at least dying inside. Into an escape from reality and it's dangerous, poisonous, constructed road to intellectual ruin. Fear is running from what we ought to know in line with the capacity we have or claim to hold.

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