What... Matters?
Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch – as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the Festival, not with the old bread leavened with malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.
The Bible, and Bonhoeffer (Deitrich).
What matters is the/ our, reaction to Ye. In a moment, our thoughts or spoken response, says all and an intention to be sincere and true. For feelings, don’t trump facts. The unseen-evil entities and influence ‘doth protest too much’ in disproportionate response to reason and the evidential. Ye be a scapegoat, and sign for the seekers of reality and sanity. Two plus two, equals…? That’s what it’s all about. Using the D-word and ‘devils’ again: we do well to see this outpouring of superficial and incontrovertible lying, for it’s all the destructive forces and beings can do.
Intend doing five posts a week, and two hours maximum a-go. Going full-on theology and attempts at the prophetic on Plantaseed. On Truthscoop it’ll be openness about new disciplines and ways to encourage how we can live in the practical and material realm.
What matters is the gathering in Perth, Scotland. It looks and behaves more like the Christain Church who are on a ‘carry on and…’, don’t look back (over the past two years), or forward and months to come. Lost in the screens and me-me-me ville.
Would do a ‘prayer meeting’ but Sunday Morning meets are all pretend and indulgent. The one chink in the saint’s armour is the growing injury and premature mortality in people’s circle of associates, family or friends. Fair to admit, initial speculation and numbers who would suffer, hasn’t come about. Could be the alleged meta-data and different batches, being more and less a problem is a reason? Whatever the cause or cost of taking the injection/s it appears the overall all-cause death rates are rising.
The One Big anger-rising happening is the cost to children. If defibrillators in schools doesn’t cause a shudder and scream? What are we like?
Oh, I know… “Ye is hurting Jewish people” and we ought to shut down all who speak out for the historical record and questions about who’s who in places of establishment business/govt./media —is this what we want; to sit back and suck-thumbs, and ignore?
Talking men and women in the light and glowing in grown-up living?
While am off gatherings inc. pubs and intoxicants (coffee, accepted/ for now). Done with all but the beauts. in the neighbourhood and plenty ‘nough company. Got what must do. Once this tip-tap and two hours is up, it’s an hour to walk and pray for Perth; the UK’s best and biggest hearted, wisest minded, peep.
In Glasgow, the example that meant a load is the woman who typed and printed her A4 thoughts and concerns. Scanned and include, to let us all see; we have no excuses.
It’s Saturday lunchtime, what matters? Here we go again. WHAT… (will soon be without doubt) matters? That is, if we claim to be responsible and real?
Let’s take a see online, on Substack, who gets a recommendation?
Episode #438 – 'Among Dissidents' with guest Karen Hunt and more - 21st Century Wire -and- Techno Eugenics - by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek (substack.com)
Did listen to Sunday Wire and admit cannot read much at all anymore online. Even Karen. Get five times two hours a week online, and rather express than take in more of what, had a decade of.
What matters… is we speak or write, do an audio or vid., and process what ought to cause a restless disturbance within. The shock is the suppression among us all and hyper-apathy. Who are we waiting to rescue this locality and wider we live in? Yes, the collapse is upon us, but the LIES will add damage to our psychology and capacity not to crack up.
Talking which… cocaine is all-over-the-place, while dope-heading is building for an unsustainable reliance/ supply. How much is a pint going to cost; how many will lose employment/ savings, in the domino-effect demise of the businesses who remain afloat… just-about and as of now?
The escape to the screens in our hands and pockets is going to cause trauma if not measured and managed. The drugs won’t work, and the one bright move is to come off that ‘angry fix’ and find another solution. What was that line, and how about re-appropriate for our day? Ginsberg: ‘I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,…’.
Reading the Hebrew Prophets (Bible), it’s straightforward and a single claim and notion: We let the contemporary idol and number one enemy tool into our possession and carry-out like a magic machine. On one level it’s a porn-like or visual cruising, fantasy rush of dopamine. Digital keys to lock our head into la-la and lostness.
IF… we, care for children, teens, oldies of those with disabilities? If the time remaining outside of employment or whatever is so limited, and all this-here talk sounds dreamy idealism and academic. Get the pressures, the slave drivers and whips, someone suffers.
As for the rest of us? And as for Christians…? Well, am doing m’darndest to escape the ubiquitous bondage, see surrounding me.
GOD is REAL’ real. A day-by-day, re-discovery and renewal. Do understand is beyond most of us and our faith-about. Can’t say I don’t get it and why. Not jumping to believe what I write and the God-bit?
Get that.
Go into the streets on a Saturday and the closest witness to these claims is at the rallies for freedom. Tis FULL of the Holy Spirit, and yet they’re not a load of self-defining as a “Christian”. Figure that.
Fifteen minutes to the noisy, buoyant and joyous resisters of evil and lovers of light and truth in Perth. Off walking for the battle God won, and wins on earth, if we…
As Malone ends on mRNA Vaccines: The CIA and National Defense (substack.com)
I thank you for your time. I hope it was helpful.