Transmission Find/ read/ comments... and complete a blab. First one on the demonic and how we're affected and under influence?
‘Monstrous through prosperity’ then what’s to be with adult-making adversity, and the personal to local, on to national…?
How about influencers from an unseen realm? What value or benefit is there in understanding Biblical descriptions and reflections on claimed ‘evil spirits’?
Things with personality, able to mix and mess us up: Metaphors misunderstood, a medieval overhang without modern explanations that satisfy, and on the dismissals go? To wade through the comments on the Curtin’s piece and scatter back.
A claiming Christ and calling on God one, should understand the purpose of considering darkness is to cling and seek more light. The overcoming authority available is through, said-God and a human, and Jesus’ death. Believe there’s a measure of deliverance we can all live in and acute to signs of bondage and/or liberation but like to know more.
Slavery to a deceiving spirit/idol is an obvious entrance. Money, Sex and Power is a barometer and our heart’s movements. In the deepest and all-we-are is the root, source, and from here, the battle rages. How does the transmission from evil to us happen? Voices, feelings, our own talk and thoughts co-opted, a laser-like outside prod or pamper in a direction? One to plumb and wonder.
In all there’s limits to what the countless entities can do. In a battle with good one’s and God, itself somewhat shaped, or a reflection of human’s free agency.
Jumping on the 574 comments and glean on and free-write to see if ‘transmission’ comes up?
Made a start on a book by Anthony Finlay and see Michael S. Heiser has another on it and plan to order. More, reckon-led, than a natural desire to go into the dark side but the theological avoidance and application to the times is a decent aim.
I do think we are today in the grip of radical evil, demonic forces. The refusal to see and accept this is not new. As the eminent theologian, David Ray Griffin, has argued, the American Empire, with its quest for world domination and its long and ongoing slaughters at home and abroad, is clearly demonic; it is driven by the forces of death symbolized by Satan.
Edward Curtin
Quoted, and respected, Catherine Austin Fitts sets out on; ‘Whatever non human intelligence is in the mix, important to realize that we have been interacting with demonic intelligence for centuries that is non physical and non local. Most of us do not even realize it.’
‘Non local’ is interesting. A sound move is to refrain from reading more than the Bible states. The context and… yes, metaphor -or- intended for literal and material, is a guide to right getting. The idea there are physical dimensions to the rule and part-reign over peoples is indicated, and yet we ourselves, are of more or less of demonic interest. In response, we’re offered God’s grace to deal with.
The ‘world’ that the devil is ‘over’, and said in charge is a ‘system’ and individuals varying adherence to these ways, determine the level we’re under and …demonised.
Something about our relationship-to is key and potential transmission received. Goes with symbols, not gratuitous in the sexual or violent, are person-led and affect.
Different responses requires a God-word to see the inner and hidden inside. Going with the obvious looks… isn’t discernment. Psychological assessment skills aren’t the way and anyway the goal and demons is deliverance not talking therapy.
Words matter though, and we call the unseen up or resist through appropriate affirmations. The name, and naming the blood…, of Jesus is a definite way to repulse unwanted unseen activity but avoiding the question; how are these hidden forces operating and direct on a one-to-one?
First linked comment and has me wanting to keep on goin’ down the demonic hole. Not planning on sourcing archives from Truthscoop or Plant a Seed, part-due to inability to find what am looking for and search facility. Mark Passio got a review and What On Earth Is Happening, years ago, canny find?
Got thirty mins. Better close. Am going on assumptions that evil is a truth and concept, that angelic-like figures are looming in the backdrop. Get am resting on it but the choice is to dismiss the Bible/ God-reveled and Jesus alive and real? Not something a day by day and ever-increasing reality can dispute.
Said would be on health/youth for Truthscoop and Plant a Seed for theology/prophetics, here and prayerletter is personal and reflections. On the non…, self-conscious roll, and seek to deliver.
The solid God-into way is humility and generosity. The opposite is the devil’s strategy and about Christians denying God can be there for us. Or, a seeker and thinking God isn’t real or turn up, if asked. People (inc. me) with more than we need and the power of pound notes misunderstand what’s goin’ on. To work a crap job and return to dank shelter with no one, or bad, company is enough to cause misery. Easy for me to write but a degree of adversity is the prerequisite for a genuine need for God. The demonic, and our lives, are determined by self-sufficiency and need-not.
Transmission 2, next. The defeated one doesn’t like exposure, and that from someone who doesn’t think about devils and like; no time, God’s the fascination and obsession.