The Church Of The State
90 minutes and... what comes, comes. Dedicated to a busker called Andy - all fresh and lovely. Stop at 18.02. Mistakes... and typos: all mine (accepted).
The church doesn’t like booze. More traditional and evangelical, harder the line. Understandable, in most of their strongest witnesses, ex-boozers. Once read a pamphlet from the Anarchist Book Fare on a similar tip. The Fare, the one gathering a year is church-like, albeit shifting of the last decade in less-trad. attendees. Local social spaces are less prominent, if there any at all in the UK. Both groups of believers are ‘mission orientated’ and no question, that alcohol and other drugs that intoxicate, are activity downers. If action includes and must, seeking to sober-up the religious, or political drunkenness of faith, and social ordering.
Both crowds have taken the needle in a big way and believed the Doc’s and/ Govt. Can’t blame the drink on that, eh? Anarchists are pub-ers. Literature read in the late 90s in London’s book-fare was in the better understood and taken-up days when Anarchists and the ‘other side’ and Socialists, joined in action but held a deep oh despise’n for each other (in private). Can’t be as certain, if what passes (today) for, “…am an Anarchist” have gone the way of the jab. Reading about it on Off-G/Unz, seems to be the overview. Know one in Wales who got it Doesn’t know anyone inc., few remaining political types, who consider a question or two about it exists.
Last few days got taken for a couple of financial-grabbing rides. Kindness and respect gets me a willing give and give/ never ask, take-money. Had me do an encore for an decent but bit(?)-too-dwunk night for a long and late. Traditional music, bop and jubilation. Bit like Peterhead night (on blog) but more full-up and blessed. Danced till we couldn’t be happier. A communal love up. Earlier a giant of a rough-un was walking and sparking trouble. Our mutual liking and close up each got me a long-reached thump as he was escorted out. Bar bought me a drink and went back to chatting to the crammed hot house.
“Was it the demon drink?” the brilliant, (yep, can happen), doctor asked, as she put a stitch in m’lip today. Made me think a good question to sit in a pub for a couple of decent pints and not a smidge of ish., and a late afternoon coupla-three brews. Last… one extra night out, was the one to end on. A beautiful memory with people alike. One thing the Bible leads me to exclaim is the drink, or a smoke (been a while croc-a-d.), isn’t done and ‘unclean…’, for me. If a Ch. bros. or sis., has that way seeing all alcohol, etc.-use; it’s what it is, …for them. Only other consideration is about my doing (it) and being a stumble’r for whosoever?
Is that, all an illusion - saith, the ‘earnest Christian’? Making a compromised choice?
Add to that, the wreckage to life and love has caused me in previous times? And what about ‘demon/s’ (agents out of sight influencing humans for trouble and destruction)?
Gaff am in became a Temperance Hotel in the mid-1980s after thirty years as a shop until about 1930. In 2021 and following it continues to spectate the last-orders in the controlled demolition underway. Make an ideal…? (No predictions). Like all pubs(?)/ bars, ne’er on none but a modern cafe-looking affair. Guts ripped, from a once majestic inside. Gone all wooden, brown and minimalist. Emptiness the fashion, pubs went. In Ladbroke Grove watched the few old types go, until one in Kilburn held the last stand for the Irish and a suitable place to drink. No need for public bars to close and stop the… ‘debauchery’ said/true/depends(?). The one world order(ed) is on the case and makes for a piss-up in a somewhat most-are rubbish environment.
Having-said: Last night’s place was oldie and the instrumental feast of traditional instruments and a guitar was a holy rock fest.
The church is in a state.
Hold on to kindness and wisdom from Calvinist-holding people who do come across with a respectful zeal. The rest of the island folk, who are less-explicit and churchie are drenched in goodness that depletes and is less on the mainland. Have/ had, a reluctance to accept the cries of ‘common good’ overlaying a people who grew up with the book and hymns. Not so, and matters. Correlation is a connection and even the not-a-believer’s are countryfied without the new city-like lark, making people strangers and not to be so wonderful-with. Small side-note and big’n up Neil Oliver: Land Clearances in Scotland mid 18th and 19th centuries, weren’t (m’thinks) a people looking for an easier life, as he claims.
Well… boy, isn’t a ‘conspiracy theorist’ for a start, and some hiss he be on the unionist side. (Not sure what that’s going to achieve, being as it is saddled with in-EU getting that goes with it).
On the last furlong and m’Gold Cup.
Demonics is a puzzle, have writ. ‘bout on d’blogs. Not a big one to discern the dark side and regular consideration. Get the reckon and in the ‘steal, kill, destroy’ direction Via deception, and accusation. No way do they get our thinking, (thus, what we…). C.S. Lewis Screwtape Letters the famous attempt to talk-about, are as misunderstood, as they are insightful. Yet… to ignore and pretend an untrue-myth and ‘believe Jesus’ is a mad take.
What’s clear is the medical world and illegal(?) drug use has much to contribute to truth-avoidance and run-to-nihilism.
Met a fella who used micro-dotting mushrooms and Lion’s Mane that did it it three-ish times year and would (if go that way), be a sensible level. (Not a desire, my end). Smoking (anything), has probs. Regular cannabis-puffing is more over-use and a holy-day-if-y’gonna, turns into a wonky crutch.
As for dwink? A singe shot over doubles. Can do late lunch pint or three - if maintained. Part of a sabbatical-type routine. Little to be a disability about. Night’s, be a different matter.
That is: For some, and not all.
Bottle (one) and red wine could be an extended ‘communion’ before bed. Got to be on private land (re; driving) and too often is …too much
Have preached on Truthscoop or Plant a Seed: Best y’all, GO, no-intoxicants at all.
Perhaps coffee, and them softer touches? There’s a time for… and/or not. Guns and knives kill. Yep. Should, no-one but the oppressor’s lackey’s have em? The ‘in-moderation’ call has value but we’re way-up, if as Christian, on the pissed-in-God line. That’s where am off to the far way places from population line.
[90 mins. includes breaks/ ain’t-a-rushing. Been 90 with distractions. Do I get a tent pole or stay?? ].
Thirty and skid-addle.
Cheerful giving and get-abused isn’t so bad. Main issue with Charismatics (am), and Christians into all-is sovereignty and God-done (ain’t so…) is the reductionism and loss of mystery and beyond magic. God surprises me, left and right. Crazy coincidences and happening’s. Full of wonder (and what???). BUT… the dynamic in time and space, cracking and tear-bringing farther/mother-like extra-ordinary GOD ABOUT, friend and lover, all-proper; gives me HOPE, we have a future. We’re supposed to be hopeful-ish-universalists -with- a urgency to be IN LOVE, with all peep., far as poss.
Was going to hit the ghetto boys and gals. Go Jordan, French, and so on. Decided mow to go search for revival-minded truth junkies. Plus, go remote spots In particular, coast spots near islands in the UK.
Done two hours and resting. Like the whisky and pint. Must’nt get in the way. God’s doing some whack-o moves about me and welcome company.
Keep any writing to short splashes, time-based. Pre-contemplation evangelism. On occasions, drop this URL.
Without a gathering…? Ain’t kickin’ arse in the Holy Spirit. All we have in a window of opp. come-October, (says me) for months and wee years is P R A Y I N G and till it’s about all the time. Sing a bit, too.
In an A&E for hours today. Not much diff. from soon come ‘mobile rescue shop’. In with Ray and co. Den off. Boredom to begin with. Then cometh, heaven on earth times. Ya Do Know: ‘Heaven’ is post-physical, on a new earth. (like this un). Thereon, worship and adventures with and for God. Don’t be… fooled again.
Love, wide as the ocean…
MJ x.
Takes getting too drunk to require a post or comment. Embarrassment and pride. After a heaven-come gathering and 'Manchester visited Glasgow 8.10.22'.
British Lions and all, it was a lunchtime extravaganza. We all glowed, with and in each other's presence and... the rare, public display, about truth-claims for life lovers and the socially responsible. M'apologies, if hours later in the post-pub throwdown was a bit weeee too enthusiastic and blabby but came out a day that knocked me out with hope and promise. Projected all sorts of desires and dreams into the mix. All and any plans we discussed; I stand by from my side, ('course). Off tomorrow to a settled location and although am off the mainland, will drive back and come by Inverness, Perth, Stirling and Glasgow. Soon come/ new post on 'Truthscoop' on 'Supplements' + Ste the Poet + Lost in Berlin + Alice. On 'Plant a Seed' one on the talks on 8.10. inc., with David Clews moving me, like little else has, in a long-time.
On 'Prayer Letter' it'll be about... the things of God and m'reckon upon engagement with. Lucky to have been given the money to set-up shop. A prayer shop, while not have to go-to-work. Choose to live in a workplace like routine and do what believe is most useful activity going.
Recent Tom Cowan conversation with Mark Bailey and Mark's interview with Patrick Henningsen on Sunday Wire is essential education for all aspiring adults. Post-on, to come.
Been out-doors, a blessed horsebox, and dorms for six months. To all I met and mentioned Truthscoop etc., thank you for having me and recount your openness to hear. All invites to the Prayer Shop with accommodation stand (of course) and visit to the island. No mobile and not into email. Do look here/ there and contact via blogs. A comment on Prayer Letter is a way to connect. No need to give more details than "tis me, holla back... (and contact details)". Or write me at said 'home address'. The physical get-together, local and central is a crucial way ahead. As many said on Saturday; it's whole other and fuller experience on the ground vs. on the screen. Numbers aren't ...the issue.
'If two or three are gathered...'
—that'll do x
Tiny Boost 2022 Daily Duppy.
Abstract - Mark Bailey
Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfil its own requirements. It is claimed
that viruses cause disease disease after transmittng between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing. One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have “viral” diseases. In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method, as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words in order to support their anti-scientific practices. For instance, an “isolated” isolate does not require the physical existence of the particles in order to be afforded “isolation” status.
A viral partcle must fulfil defined physical and biological properties including being a replication-
competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However,
“viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations
and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.
Thanks for looking in.