Eye Bouncing
On comments and not watch/listen on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0tGxcUaVm0 or https://off-guardian.org/2022/12/05/watch-eye-bouncing-solutionswatch/
Two tribes? Or…?
Post’ recommend: stevekirsch.substack.com/p/why-cant-we-talk-about-it
On comments, and eye bouncing.
The Biblical series and Dr Peterson was the bomb. Compared to CS Lewis Broadcast Talks and impact to cause the opening of bibles. Scan comments and the Eye Bounce but not as interested to write on. The bounce is avert and no negotiate. Have to read/watch/hear the confirmed liars is virus and our minds. Pay NO… is avoid the first look and digital conveyed suck in.
To tribes. The one to ponder and outcomes. Not the experiment but argument and comments are mute to defend Germ Theory. On what stands is agreement and The Light Newspaper, 21 Wire and Terrain is out and ain’t no germ.
What appears to be catching… and infection is a question and anyone caring to look will see.
Stirling, Glasgow and off to the island. Libraries and children around. Eye bounce about.
Ya running and ya running and ya running away… Bob Marley. Self, ancestral, who we are, …God? ‘What we already knew’ the comment suggests and truth about illness is our contemporary question. The one to define us and understand. The unimaginable and yet true. Mark Bailey uses ‘probably’ and this is what matters. Defines our standing as a person. Ambivalence or agnostic is “don’t care”. Our local will change, the roads unrepaired, the shops closing, rations, shortages… then germ or what will matter.
Got a ‘bullshit detector’ and conscience and God’s common grace. We can know.
4:10 he makes such a great point about the mind and verbalizing vs acting out then understanding how to articulate what you already knew.
David Ray Griffin