Image c/o a one-post look and read:
On Truthscoop, wrote; ‘chat to hundreds’. Yea and a minute or more encounter and chat but not at all about anything serious. Correction and miscommunicated an impression.
Be less than one hundred with few on controversies. All about self-accountable speech or writing. Ye (somewhere and unable to re-find), wrote of ‘telling his-truth’ and essential for fitness and strength. Get what and why.
Upside of an exceptional life of downsides is an ease in accepting error. Leads me to tighten ‘fidelity to first principles’ and refuse to talk with anyone about serious matters until asked, or evident and open? No comment and avoid/evade the truth-claims that are overturing the society we’ve come accustomed.
‘Facts’ are about consensus of reality without genuine and reasonable counterargument. ‘Evidence’ is compelling and convincing information, observed by sight, read through reason and logical argument, or the legitimate use of the scientific process. ‘Proof’ is significant conclusions and shouldn’t be used outside of the material or human-based realm. ‘Opinions’ are legitimate when adequate and informed consideration has been undertaken.
Of course, none of these attempted definitions matter if ‘reality’ is such an ebb and flow, fluid and subjective, uncertain state and debate? The other condition is about relevance and denial or a dismissal of challenges to perceived understanding.
The problem with claims and serious matters about the social authorities can be deferred and a personal choice to ignore is all-well until it interrupts food, shelter and expected sense of physical security.
What to do? Or…, what am I doing?
Re-affirm and get radical and consistent in holding to ‘principle over desires’ and talking. On anything without hunger and urgency to discuss is futile.
The need to adopt this stand is because otherwise it makes for weakness, as in self-abuse and discouragement. It’s a waste of words and brings inevitable rejection. The outcome and intention for discovery comes back as enabling and shoring up someone’s rebellion against the light.
Silence is the one critique worth maintaining. IF…, some one-in-hundred/s is teachable and correction-ready they’ll have the look-about and presence.
A circular and destructive attitude has nothing positive going for it. Makes for fear and anxiety to get buried ever deeper for a set up in months-ahead to erupt.
The Bible had it down in the ‘sinful nature’ or so-translated ‘flesh’. In the poem describing human beginnings, the behaviour and choice was getting taken-in and, —deception. The response was to hide and fear.
Subsequent dominant theological interpretation suggested God gave humanity in-built redundancy and inner mechanism to rebel against truth-claims and inevitable bias to fail. No sense, except the Greek and Pagan influence as its conception and thinking, three hundred years post-Christ (in a body).
The ‘flesh’ is chosen self-deception. All ‘sin’ and lesser-best living is a deception in the light of truth, love, justice and God. Greg Boyd states: ‘the flesh state of being starts with deception, leads to performance, requires hiddenness, and finally ends in destruction’.
We all get at it but the times that are-a-changing will reveal the self-imposed cage we’re locking ourselves in. Get out is a determined refusal to lie. The smallest one’s and to ourselves are the reason we’re nervous and this beyond, the existential and practical crisis we face.
The Dice Man (Luke Rhinehart) is a story of self-imposed actions on the back of consequences and roll of dice. Commitment to the cause was an obsession and without compromise
It’s how we have to go, as 99% honest is a barrier bust-open and no benefit and strengthen of integrity. We’re all about what’s small and unseen at the root and heart. No obvious cost or problem, yet inside the turmoil continues on and the fake and put on grows in the dark.
Added Christine Massey as the post’ recommend. Ideal tester and level of world’ care and maturity. Somehow the words are not coming easy today. Needs more and often to get free’d up and flowing. More…, stop any ‘performing’ to be seen and impress. Been on a journey for decades through endless deception and repentance, at last the shakes inside are manifesting in the solitude and deliverance is happening.
Lies and the deceptive response is what God comes to break us out from. The choice is ours and the up and improvement, and these seem all-downer days, is liberation inside. Each individual and escape from the mass hypnosis, not least and conduit and hand-held pendulum.
Time and a tipping over into over-use is the key and sign.
On that, been on two hours and the level is close to the top and edge.
In retro. and writing; 'The smallest one’s and to ourselves...' is foggy and like to go again on idea we lie to self. 1. Run from info. with potential to contradict views held. 2. The subtle inflection, tone or use of language to obscure and hide what we're about or saying. 3. As Clavish comments at the close of this D. Duppy, 'know ya mind...' which we can, if we're honest and often requires telling another, (inc. God), to ensure the clarity and reality and where-at. Bit like, doing this here comment eh.