On at 10.45 and got no plan on what to write on..., except a thought and the title. Jon Rappoport is the post' added/recommendation. Off on edits at one thirty.
Write to keep accounts with m’self and all else. The importance of words and commitment. Most of our troubles on this score appear to involve money.
Have it and not doing work to get it, leads me to get alone and walk populated areas or countryside and pray for the day. Do something for… that in my understanding most-matters.
Glasgow and its West End is where would ‘church plant’ if had the mind and money-wise to start something. A funny turn of events and back around these ends. Thirty years-ago the LLS, was in with, and visited. The image on LLS3 is from Tomkins Square Park and from a mission called Touch. Thirty from the UK in 1992 on St Mark’s Place, NYC.
West End and Glasgow is all hot, hip and explosive in taste and aesthetics. Can’t believe there’s anywhere else as trendy-full yet got appeal and in the main am pleased to see. The architecture helps and the views into rooms a magical wonderland
“Living the dream pal?” a builder leans into to ask me at the cafe counter. Back with a black-one and await the OMAD late afternoon.
Is it only in Glasgow you meet the openness and gleamy-eyed chat so quick and easy? Or, meet someone like Debbie who holds court in a busy cafe. Loud and warm with all, almost sings her chatter and holla with lights-on radiance. Appreciation goes both ways as we get a chance for confides and observations over the top of the coffee machine. Glasgow has a strong flavour of hardy optimism while not so shy from reality biting.
Bob Moran has one for the crit, and what’s-goin’-on, ohhh mercy mercy me; and what happened to LLS like-peep. What a muddle and runaway now three decades on? Rappoport comes on to witness and bring it all ‘round to accountability.
Last night met some good to be real and lively up ‘West End’rs’. One had a baseball cap with wording ‘Hell Fire’. They all looked a peach with fabbo clothing and toggles. Boys and gals with balls to not shudder and scurry in fear of our fluid thinking. Two were ‘chuggers’ so no surprise. All on the giddy up for knowing. Plenty to commend and their views.
What am seeking to think and write-through is the challenge and pop assumptions and Bible talk? The balance to share and struggle with the Gospel messages and the tough claims and response, while deconstructing the traditional baggage and some of that.
The bit about the Platonic overlay and all humans said to be eternal and indestructible, somewhat got convoluted and mis-said.
The second death and not the eternal punishment line is described as hellish but unlike the trad. evangelical take, suggest a somewhat-open question and who/dies/again? Essential we(?)/I… don’t hide away —and don’t.
Ain’t nothing from Gen. 1 to Rev. 22 to be embarrassed or awkward about. Read all with eyes to see and read-aright is all good… and God. Any run-a-way, this or that bit is lazy bones behaviour and shallow.
On to mercy me-in’?
When the stuff of science and observation; data and claims; considered in truth and honest reconciliation and reality goes into lockdown? Then we’ve got a problem with delinquent’ denial and avoidance.
Used to reckon that the free association of ideas was the way through but unlike last night’s lot, the cowardice and fear erupts in the blink of an idea. Initial looks and come-across isn’t a sign. Eyes and body language tells all.
People into talk to explore and wonder are on an unstoppable track. The knowledge is about not knowing and bold to want more. We’re all one -or- other, which has nothing to do with personal perspectives on any particular subject.
Listened to Dr Sam Bailey give Jon Rappoport room to roll on the crimes of the medical …business. Made it clear and dislike and attitude that there’s ‘nothing worth knowing/we don’t know’ and resistance for surprise and correction: Intellectual deformity and dead ways. Self-inflicting and y’done for. The bring about and cause for wider consequences in mood and manners.
LLS crowd and sad, yet would expect, have gone into reaction-to… this and that, they despise at a guttural and cultural level.
All its achieved is the deforming of outlook and allegiance to ever-greater slices of bullshit. Ain’t at all funny honey. Crazy to consider the reversal of their ‘90s motivation for the re-shaping of the Christian Church Service and aspects of evangelical-based teaching. What a come around and the state they sought to avoid, have gone wading into, with progressive-religious zeal.
More to why and won’t expand more but it does show us the truth; what we see in others and don’t like is apparent in us or at least a danger we fall for another version of the same crap?
Accountability is the answer. Say what and be a doer as far as possible.
To speak, tell, write our truth/s and monitor can hold us sound. No speak out or claims will not add to ish. Not increase the perpetuating of inner madness because it will, make-us, mad.
Jesus… (that one); He warns that we’re judged by what, we say. Granted, there’s opportunity for forgiveness to hold back the doing/details/context but the condition is we’re honest and admit our failures.
There’s no carrot or stick; it’s all-love but with God’s responsibility, for our development towards ever-loving purposes and peace, not go hate and war.
Time is tight and walking to be done. Don’t believe the hype and do go with the flow for life and keep them planes out ya head, (unless reviewed for nonsense?). x
Musk has a pinned twatty from two hours ago - - 'That the mind virus is pushing humanity towards extinction is not hyperbole', he writes. The enemy idea is not, a right, or bright worldview. Deception —a con, evil spirit's led-war and racket. The 'virus' myth, (untrue, and bad) and these famous faces are on both sides or lying about X connect-up rubbish. On a 'trip' and tuned-in/ dropped out. Tune... OUT, drop in.... to a better way.